Montag, 17. März 2008

Phoning Dutchman feat. The Fat Cat

Määänsch hier is son holländer der telefoniert (sehr laut) auf hollenglisch die ganze zeit. hört sich schrecklich an!

"chellou mei naaam is chmark van de slatje, ei emm chooling regarding a compleeent...."

he hung up
thanks to jupp
he brought a soup
in a cup
to the club

hey, max
dont have sex
with your ex
because rex
might give smacks
to your eggs
or break your legs

(Where the f... is der Zusammenhang??! Egal.)

oh my god
what is that
rhyme goes mad
this is sad
and my cat
eats a rat
now it's fat
so what?

how did the cat
get so fat?
it ate to much rat
but, you know that
it gets flat
if you run over it with a cat-
erpillar, which is yellow, not red
but after that
the cat
is dead
how sad
-oder net?

you are mad
and a tad
too brute forced
because that
little cat
even too fat
must not be flat-
ened by a car-
erpillar, and not
be killed and dead
now I will fed
the cat
if it will let
me do that
poor pet.

i will let
the cat
get fat
but not wet
- ich bin nett!
ab ins bett
I'll tell Dad
that you had
a brett
vor your head
don't be mad
it is bet-
ter to have a cat
than a frett-
chen in the bett-
chen, with crepe suzette
i must get
a plakett'
for the umweltzone, for that
kangoo, not corvette
no more words which end on "et"
come to my head
so i spat
on the floor, shaved my head
with gilette
like judge dredd
or pit brad
like i said
see you lat
er, alligat-
or, true that!

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